Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ode to My Diaper Sprayer

I love you so much!
No, really, I do.
You're for so much more
than just cleaning poo...

When I started with fluff,
I hadn't a clue.
Now CD'ing is a breeze
and it's all thanks to you!

I wish I'd known sooner.
You're worth every cent.
I definitely do NOT regret
the money we spent!

You make my life easier.
There isn't a doubt
that cloth diapering mamas
shouldn't go without.

Or any other moms, truly.
Your uses are many.
And downsides?
Well, I can't think of any!

'Cause the diapers are cleaner
and so are my hands!
You clean pee out of the potty,
a chore I can't stand.

When clothes get soiled,
potty training seems tricky.
But I give 'em a quick spray,
and then they're not icky.

You're even handy for keeping
the toilet bowl white.
I simply spray the whole
mess out of sight.

You're easy to install,
even easier to use,
and solidly made -- in the USA!
So, I must share the news.

As you can see, I am madly in love with our diaper sprayer. It's crazy, but true. I don't often write poetry about inanimate objects, or really at all, for that matter. I just think it's that great. Thanks for making a really useful product, Potty Pail, LLC. This CD'ing mama gives you two thumbs up.

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