It's hard to believe that my baby girl is heading to kindergarten in the fall. (Wasn't she just a little preemie who I was afraid to hold?) On Thursday, May 10, she graduated from preschool. She has come so far from the shy 3-year-old who started at Parker's Place Preschool in the fall of 2010. It is really evident that spending two years at the same preschool really boosted her confidence and helped her to bloom into a "social butterfly," in her teacher, Mrs. Hengesbaugh's words. The high school students had the following things to say about Mia during her graduation ceremony: "When we got her last year, we could barely get her to say one word. Throughout this year, she sure did find her voice. She loves to play with Maggie, Anya, and Lillyonna. We call Mia 'our little architect' because she is amazing at math and science, especially her knowledge of butterflies. We will miss Mia's laughs and squeals as she moves on to kindergarten." How could we not be proud of her accomplishments? Especially, when we consider her to be the perfect mix of Mommy's creativity and Daddy's natural talent for math. Hmmm... Maybe they aren't that far off when she call her a little architect. I was feeling apprehensive about her moving on to kindergarten, but now I am feeling excited to see what is ahead for my little butterfly.
Just like the butterfly, I too will awaken in my own time. ~Deborah Chaskin
{Mia chose a fancy dress to wear for graduation and happily posed with "Presto."} |
{This is sweet! After the ceremony she asked to have Logan be in the picture, too.} |
{Walking to the classroom for cake, modeling her shirt, & holding Grandma's hand.} |
{She was a bit nervous after all of the excitement, and didn't want her photo taken.} |
{After a fun picnic in the park with both sets of grandparents, she was happy to pose with her cap and diploma "as long as Ritzy can be in the picture with me!"} |
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