
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Less-Mess Coffee Filter Snowflakes

The other day, Mia came home from preschool with a coffee filter snowflake that she had painted with watercolors. It's very pretty, but I was trying to think of a way to make a few more, and I wanted a less messy way so that Logan could participate. I decided that instead of watercolors, we would use markers and then spritz the coffee filters with water to let the colors run a bit. They aren't quite as vibrant as the original snowflake, but our window now has a flurry of pretty snowflakes adorning it.

My Snowflake
  • coffee filters
  • markers
  • spray bottle of water
  • scissors
  • clear tape
  • paper towel/newspaper
Snowflake by Logan, Age 15 Months (cut by Mama)
  1. Using markers, color a coffee filter. Don't worry if the entire surface isn't covered. 
  2. Spritz the coffee filter with water. 
  3. Lay the damp coffee filter on paper towel or newspaper and allow it to dry.  
  4. Once dry, fold the coffee filter in half and then in half again for a basic snowflake (see picture of Logan's). For a more intricate design, continue folding in half once (like Mia's and mine) or twice more. 
  5. While coffee filter is still folded, use scissors to cut out small designs on the folds. Make sure to trim triangular notches along the outside edge. Be careful not to cut all the way through.  
  6. Unfold the coffee filter and you will have a lovely snowflake. Display your snowflake on a window using clear tape.
    Snowflake by Mia, Age 3 1/2

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