
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Simple Button Snowflakes

Last year, Mia and I did a snowflake project using pasta we had painted white by putting it in a zippered baggie and shaking it up. This year, I thought we would try using buttons. I think it turned out cute.
Button Snowflake by Mia, Age 3 1/2
Pasta Snowflake by Mia, Age 2 1/2
  • construction paper
  • white (or clear) buttons
  • glue
  1. Using glue, draw a snowflake on a piece of construction paper. This can be as simple (3 or 4 intersecting lines) or as complex as you wish.
  2. Arrange buttons (or pasta) as desired
  3. Allow glue to dry completely before displaying your snowflake.  
  • Tip: We made our snowflakes fairly large, but you could make smaller ones on something sturdier like cardboard and use them as ornaments. 
  • Tip: You could also fold your paper in half and use this to decorate a card.  
  • Tip: If you don't want to draw your snowflake freehand, use a printout or a cookie cutter.) 

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