
Saturday, December 18, 2010

I Must Be Doing Something Right

After starting the day off on the wrong foot and being a bit grouchy with Mia (read: yelling), I realized that I was modeling exactly the opposite of the behavior that I wanted from her. Luckily, little people are very forgiving. She quickly accepted my apology, and we moved on. And then, at lunch time, I was humbled by the simplest thing. The kids were seated with their food, and Brett and I were still getting ours ready (as I am sure most parents of young children can relate; we're always the last to eat) when Mia announced, "We forgot to pray!" She immediately put her fork down and launched into the prayer that Brett's family has said since he was little: "Come Lord Jesus, be our guest, and let thy gifts to us be blessed. Amen." Brett and I, of course, joined in. When we were done, Logan (who at 15 months has yet to speak), grinned and clapped his hands enthusiastically. And I realized that even though I mess up so many times as a mom, when it comes to what matters the most, I am sure that I'm getting it right.

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