
Monday, October 25, 2010

Mummy Jack-o'-Lantern

I found this idea in a book called Halloween Pumpkins & Parties: 101 Spooktacular Ideas, published by "Better Homes and Gardens."

  • smooth white pumpkin
  • carving tools (or knife and spoon/ice cream scoop)
  • 2 black marbles
  • 2 flat toothpicks
  • pen (I used a pencil)
  • adhesive that will work on glass
  • candle
  • newspaper (optional)
  1. Set pumpkin on newspaper and cut off top of pumpkin.
  2. Scoop out seeds. If desired, save for roasting or another project.
  3. Cut two eyes, making sure they are large enough to hold the marbles. Cut a nose and a mouth. Working your way around the pumpkin, carve additional curvy pieces to look like mummy wrappings. (If you are concerned about getting your design right, draw it with a pencil or pen before starting to carve the pumpkin.)
  4. Insert a toothpick into each eye hole. (Mine were too long, so I shortened them by breaking them.)
  5. Using a strong adhesive (I used Super Glue), glue a black marble to each toothpick, making the eyeballs. (I didn't have black marbles so I used clear glass pebbles, which I colored the back side of using a permanent black marker. I think these might have been better, anyway, since they have a flat side, which made them easy to glue to the toothpick. You can get these at any craft store.)
  6. Add a candle (or flameless "candle"), replace the top of the pumpkin, and you are set to spook some trick-or-treaters! (Use caution if using a candle.) 

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