
Saturday, February 15, 2014

House Rules (for Moms of Boys)

I really want to write something, but I am too tired to say much. So, here's an amusing list of things I never thought I'd have to say at any point in my life... None of which, I have ever had to tell my daughter. Please, please tell me that I am not the only one who has said such weird things to her son!

May 4, 2013
"Wow! It's going five different directions. It's like you're a sprinkler."

October 21, 2013
"No somersaults on the sofa!"

November 23, 2013
"You're not allowed on the sofa unless you are wearing clothes."

December 3, 2013
"Don't put your head in the potty."

February 3, 2014
"We don't wipe our nose on the furniture."

February 13, 2014
"Get off the trash can. We don't sit on the trash can."

February 15, 2014
"Don't put the glow stick in Daddy's pants."

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