
Monday, December 23, 2013

My Kooky Christmas Cookie Story

Remember when I said that the holidays make everyone crazy? Well, this is what happens when I tell my husband to stop photobombing the pics of the kids decorating Christmas cookies. Notice that he did NOT listen to my demand request. Instead, he lifted poor Ritzy up so she could get in on the photobombing action, too. Honestly, this is the greatest picture ever! I can't tell if she is totally freaked out, or if she is really, really hoping that he is helping her get a bit closer to those delectable cookies.

Cookies for Santa? Check. Laughter? Check. I guess I can't complain when I get more than I bargained for. Merry Christmas from my crazy family -- cookie-craving canine, included -- to yours! I hope you will take a little time to recognize all of your blessings, especially the unexpected ones.

{Me want cookie!}

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