
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Jolly Jack-o-Lantern Craft

By Mia, Age 3 1/2 (felt cutting by Mama)

Materials Needed:
  • paper plate
  • orange paint
  • glue
  • scissors
  • black felt
  • white crayon
  • paint brush
  • tape
  • brown or green pipe cleaner
  1.  Paint paper plate orange.
  2. While paint is drying, use white crayon to draw eyes, nose, and mouth on black felt. I had Mia tell me what shapes she wanted, how many teeth in the mouth (and what shape) since she struggles with making shapes and cutting them the way she wants. (You could also use black construction paper or craft foam.)
  3. Cut out felt shapes.
  4. Glue felt to paper plate, crayon side facing down.
  5. Twist pipe cleaner around your finger so that it looks like a spring, leaving about an inch straight. 
  6. Tape straight part of pipe cleaner to the back of the paper plate.

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